I intend to run the "Vision Creation" play with my team to get everyone excited and on the same page, especially because we all work from different places.
We'll talk about where we want our work to take us and how it helps our customers.
By using Trello, we'll map out a clear plan.
From there everyone can add their ideas so we'll have a strong vision that guides our work moving forward.
Strategic guidance gives a team or group, what look out to achieve within 6-12months. The destination defining success of a project should well communicated to all involved in the project removing any assumptions or guesswork from the team.
I have gone through the videos and found course materials really helpful and thought provoking. Organizational goals and strategies should be established based on customers needs and expectations. We really have to focus on it by wearing their shoes through the journey.
I'm super excited to share the Team goals, signals and measures and the DACI plays to my team. I feel my team would benefit from the Team goals, signals and measures play because we don't often define our goals as a team, we just continue working and don't stop to really analyze what we are actually trying to accomplish. I intent to run this play with my team right before our next PI Planning so we can focus it on our PI Objectives. I think this play will really help with that. As far as the DACI play goes, I will run this play with my team the next time we have to make a big decision.
I think both of these plays will really help my team find better ways to work.
I absolutely love this strategy suite, and the open collaborative approach is a game-changer.
I plan to start with the macro, the vision statement. With something this significant to have well-defined structure and guardrails to support it, this will help me immensely as I decide on the overall direction of my team.
I plan to run the DACI play with my team. We are a small group with clearly defined roles that will benefit from this play. This play can become part of the intake process for every request received from our stakeholders.
I'm changing careers to head further into project management and I'm just getting into all these great tools. For me the Vision Creation process would have been a wonderful thing do in my previous projects. The idea of having a vision and outcomes to work towards instead of just pumping out products would have helped the disenchanted 'meh' feelings we had.
I plan on utilizing the Customer Journey Mapping with my team to better understand our user's perspectives and pain points. We will then be in a better place to offer end user experience focused solutions.
I appreciate how Atlassian has put together a playbook, not only to help me understand the plays, but the tips and tricks and real life use cases of how to run the plays as well. I plan to utilize all of the strategic guidance plays, and will start with the DACI play. We have been discussing the best decision making guide for the team and have been discussing RACI vs. DACI vs. Rapid. This excercise will give us the hands on opportunity to apply the DACI model to our newest project.
I really liked the vision creation play and I am planning to go through that when creating our product vision. A common understanding a buy-in of the team is foundation for building and marketing our AR product.
All of the four strategic guidance are inspiring and trully important to use.
The first one I may use could be Decision Making Framework in order to define with the stakeholders our product names. As I may not lead this discussion, I hope and guess marketing Team will love this framework !
The Vision Creation is an excellent play for setting a common path for the whole team, sometime it seems we all work on our own stuff and loose the sense of greater purpose.
I often use the Customer Journey Mapping in my projects to draft improvement plans.
The Customer Journey Mapping is the most important play for our team at that moment because we have already launched the MVP and need to understand our users' JTBDs more deeply.
I run a small consulting firm focused on excel automation with vba, our goal is migration to python. Our current roadblock are system requirement on both our internal infrastructure as well as our clients machine. Many clients in the heavy industrial or minjng sector at the initial stage of their data analytics journey