email logo width

Peter Liu
I'm New Here
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April 16, 2024


How do you configure the email logo to be the same width as the email text box below it ?  I have a logo size 640x200 and 1700x630 and have tried both but cannot make the logo the same width as the text bot below it.


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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 17, 2024

Hello Peter,

Thanks for the question about email logo width. The email logo is meant to be just a logo and not a banner so there isn't a full way to get the dimensions you're looking for. The two recommended sizes are 320x100 and 640x200. Anything beyond that will get scaled to meet that 320px width. Right now, we don't have further email customizations. We do have a request to add further customizations so I'll add this community post to the internal ticket to show there's more interest.


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