Why Does StatusPage ask to reset password at first logon?

Freddy Kangai
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February 2, 2018

I setup SSO using SAML2 (AzureAD) when I first logged on with my new account StatusPage asked to reset my password. Shouldn't my credentials be parsed to my StatusPage account?

I can't seem to locate a setting where I can turn the off. 

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Atlassian Team
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February 5, 2019

Hi Freddy,

When logging in as a team member (admin) to the Statuspage Management Portal for the first time, you are always requested to set a password. This is done to ensure that if, for some reason the SSO restriction was removed, your account has a username/password combination that was set by you the user.

Customers request Statuspage Support to disable SSO when there are issues with the IDP or changed configurations that were not updated. In this scenario Support has the option to temporarily disable SSO and allow you to login with a username/password. Not having a password set would be an unnecessary security risk.

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