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Using an insident template

Kristian Magnus Lingsom
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March 31, 2023

is it by design or is it a bug that if one start to create an incident from template 1 where component A is selected, and then select template 2 where component B is selected that the incident when published list both component A and component B as affected? 

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Mubeen Mohammed
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 3, 2023

Hello @Kristian Magnus Lingsom 

Thank you for contacting the Atlassian community! this is Mubeen.

The component's selection as affected when switching from one template to another is not the expected behavior. We have opened a bug request with our engineering team to further investigate this, STATUS-569 is the ticket ID for your reference. Thank you for notifying us of this issue, If you wish to get further updates on the bug request raised you can directly contact our support team at and refer to the ticket ID STATUS-569. 

I hope the information provided is helpful.


Mohammed Mubeen

Cloud Support Engineer

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