Steps required to move Statuspage from one instance of Atlassian Cloud to another instance of Cloud

Dave Hattig
May 22, 2023


My company recently merged with another, and we want to migrate both of our cloud instances into one Atlassian Cloud instance. Currently we have two Atlassian Cloud instances A and B. B currently uses Statuspage, but site A does not. We are migrating everything from site B which uses Statuspage over to site A which does not.

What steps are needed in order for this to be a smooth migration? Is there an article to follow? Do we need to only point to the new url? 

Thank you for anything you can provide.


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Abraham Musalem
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2023

Hi Dave,

Thanks for reaching out about this. We can help you get this done! Just submit a support ticket via and we can get the process started. Make sure you include the origin Atlassian site URL and the destination Atlassian site URL. 

Statuspage Support 

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