Quarantine emails for Audience - specific

Mafe Pilcher October 10, 2023


How do we track bounced emails or rejected emails if there is no quarantine feature for 'Audience- specific' Statuspage?

What is available for Admins to manage users?





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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 12, 2023

Hello Mafe,

Thanks for reaching out to the community. Audience-specific pages don't have a quarantine system in place. If a page access user is not getting access to emails, we recommend unsubscribing them or resubscribing them. Alternatively, you can send a ticket to support and we would be happy to take a look at any specific users you have that aren't receiving emails. There is a request to add this feature but it is not something we have at this time.

To unsubscribe a user, you can go to the audience, edit the user and manage their subscription. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again for reaching out!


Mafe Pilcher October 17, 2023

Hi Jesse, 

Thank you for your response.

So if we bulk upload users, how do we know which ones have not received the Atlassian emails successfully?

Does this mean we always have to raise a support request ticket?

We'd like to perform audits of users every 60 days to check 'undeliverable' messages.

What is the best way to do this?



Mafe Pilcher October 17, 2023

Can you please confirm as well that Atlassian team can provide us the list of all quarantined email addresses and the status with dates when it was quarantined?

What information can you provide to us to assist in maintaining the users?

Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 18, 2023

Hi Mafe,

You might be able to see quarantined subscriptions with the get a list of subscribers API endpoint. I tried this on my test account and while I don't see any quarantined subscribers on my page, I do an entry for it. You could use this to possibly see the quarantined users.


If not, then yes, submitting a support ticket would be the way for us to check whether there are quarantined users and we should be able to support you further with your quarantined users.

That being said, we don't really have a list that we would give, but we can do checks to see if the user you expect is quarantined. Our subscriber admin tool has a way for us to check individuals and not whole lists. I recommend reaching out to us with a support ticket and we can see how we can help!


Mafe Pilcher October 18, 2023

Hi Jesse, thank you for your detailed response.

It would have been perfect with the quarantine option without using the API.

We'd have to explore how to manage our users with this.


One more question - really appreciate your assistance.

Is there a way for us to remove the 'hyperlink' that allows subscribers to view the full details of an incident or maintenance? 

full maintenance details hyperlink.JPG

The reason being, we prefer to inform our subscribers to go to the statuspage link directly (which we'll add in our message) or contact us if they have any questions.

Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 19, 2023

Hi Mafe,

This looks to be the email that would go out to a customer. This email is limited to changes to the footer only. There is an open feature request to allow for customization to the email and I will add this community post to the request but you won't be able to remove the link to the page at this time. Hopefully, that helps answer your questions but I would definitely reach out with a support ticket if you wanted to dive into anything more detailed. :)


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