One component, multiple groups

Basil Hendroff
I'm New Here
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March 6, 2021

Hi! First-time poster!

At the moment, it appears that a component can only be associated with one group. It would be useful if a component could belong to multiple groups. Here's a use case scenario:

Consider three subdomains,, and that share a common primary link. The link is a single point of failure.

Under Statuspage, I'd define the subdomains as component groups and the link as a component associated with each group. If the link went down, I'd update the link component status to reflect this and the status of all three subdomains would automatically show as down.  It doesn't appear to be possible to do this at present in Statuspage.

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Mark Campbell-Vincent
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 22, 2021

Hi @Basil Hendroff -

I can definitely see that being useful. This would cover service/component dependency for components that are dependent on multiple parent services. I've created a feature request for this. Once there is any insight on the internal ticket, I will make sure to update you here.

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