Mandatory fields in Statuspage notifications

Carla Tavares October 10, 2024

Hi Everyone,

I would like to understand how and if possible to make fields in Statuspage notifications mandatory.

At this moment, only a component needs to be selected in order to trigger a notification. I'm after making "Incident Name" and "Message" fields mandatory fields as well as not allowing a notification to be sent with default information in a template.

Mistakes could happen therefore I'm trying to find a way to prevent our stakeholders to receive default information pre-written in a template.

Thank you,


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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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October 10, 2024

The short answer is no, there is no settings within Statuspage that would allow you to make other fields mandatory. One option would be to use Jira/JSM to create the incident message and then use automation and the REST API to work around it.

Carla Tavares October 11, 2024

Thanks for the feedback, Mikael. I will look into the REST API documentation.

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