Is the SAML integration “per statuspage” or for all “statuspages”?

Nile Gator May 2, 2021

To support a Prod and Pre-Prod cloud environments, we will subscribe to two separate Statuspage services. Can one SAML integration support both Statuspages? 

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Atlassian Team
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May 12, 2021

Hey Nile, 

Each page would be independent when it comes to configuring an IdP. The only link between the pages is that they can be administrated by the same group of users, but there is nothing to associate multiple pages together. 

A single private/audience specific page can only be setup with a single IdP. If you have multiple pages you're welcome to configure different IdP on each page. 

Nile Gator May 12, 2021

Very helpful. Thanks Zach. 

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