Is Page Id and API Key is different for different users?

fazuluddin December 21, 2017

Is Page Id and API Key is different for different users?

4 answers

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Jake Bartlett
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 27, 2017

API keys are not associated with Page Access Users. API keys are tied to a Team Member (admin) account, so it's expected that you would get the same results when you pull a list of Components, no matter which API key you use (because both users are admins requesting a list of components on the page).

It sounds like you're trying to see which components a particular Page Access User has access to. Correct?

We don't have a straight forward way of doing this on a per-user basis, but you can pull a list of Page Access Groups and see which which components and users belong to them.

You can retrieve a list of Page Access Groups using this endpoint:


This will include the component_ids of the components in the group as well as the page_access_user_ids of the users who are in that group. 

More on this here:

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fazuluddin December 26, 2017

Any update?

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fazuluddin December 22, 2017

I want to retrieve the components belongs to particular user but I am not get the same from API, following are the steps which I followed.

User "John" has access to component A.

User "William" has access to component ABC.<page_id>/components.json?api_key=<John user API_KEY1>
Result JSON : {[ABC]}<page_id>/components.json?api_key=<William user API_KEY2>
Result JSON : {[ABC]}

In both the cases I got the same list of components in JSON even I use the different API Key, how to get the different actual components related to the particular user? Please provide the API URL for the same.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 21, 2017

The PageID is unique per page. The API key is unique per Team Member (admin user).

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