Incidents and Status Page timeline color

toni simon November 12, 2020

I'm brand new to StatusPage and I'm really confused about the color in the timeline.

About 40 minutes ago, I created an incident with status Major Outage and attached my component to it.  The component has the Display Historical Status option checked.  The incident is still open and in the major outage state.  The component also has status Major Outage.

I mention 40 minutes ago because the documentation for "Display historical uptime of components" says the color on the bar progresses from green to red depending on elapsed time and state of the incident.

On the Status Page, the timeline - shows red text "Major Outage" for my component

Hovering over the timeline bar for today, it shows "No downtime recorded on this day" and the timeline bar is green.

I would expect the hover tooltip to show there is an incident and that the color bar for today shows red, or at least orange after 40 minutes (immediately would be my preference).

What am I doing wrong?


2 answers

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Answer accepted
toni simon November 12, 2020

I created a new component and moved it to the top of my list of components.

I changed its status to Major Outage.

After 20 minutes or so the timeline bar for it in the StatusPage turned yellow.

I don't know if it's because I made it the first component in the list or if I just edited the original component too much and it broke.  And I also don't know if incidents have any effect on the bar in the timeline - my new component has no incident associated with it.

Anyway, I'm happier now :)

0 votes
November 12, 2020

I don't know if the page refreshes automatically.  I have seen mine not change for a while and then at some point, I do a page refresh and the new data is there. I suspect you did that already, so I don't know what the problem is.  If you look on the components page it should show a red X beside the component which is in trouble.

toni simon November 12, 2020

I have refreshed the page many times and the display is the same.  In the Components page, there is a red X beside the component.  Everything is at is should be except that the bar in the timeline for today is green and the hover tool tip does not show any incidents.  I don't know if the admin posting the incident also needs to take the additional step of editing the timeline bar for the current day.  I hope not.

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