Incident creation - component association

First Last July 16, 2021

I am sending component_ids as a list during incident creation, but do not see the association on the statuspage. How do i confirm the association of a component with the incident ?

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth xxx" -X POST -d "incident[name]=yyy" -d "incident[status]=identified" -d "incident[body]=testing component association" -d "incident[component_ids]=["zzz"]


1 answer

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Rahul S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 19, 2021

Hi there,

Would you mind testing the request as follows and let us know if you still experiencing any issues?

 curl \
-H "Authorization: OAuth API_Key" \
-d "incident[name]=Incident name" \
-d "incident[status]=investigating" \
-d "incident[body]=Incident Body" \
-d "incident[component_ids]=comp_id2,comp_id2"
First Last July 19, 2021

hi Rahul, I still see the incident under 'Past Incidents' section of the statuspage. I am trying to find the association of this incident with the component_id used during the incident creation. Here is the response on the curl command.

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth yyyy" -X POST -d "incident[name]=PE outage" -d "incident[status]=investigating" -d "incident[body]=testing components" -d "incident[component_ids]=["xxx"]

"components":[],"created_at":"2021-07-19T17:42:26Z","impact":"none","impact_override":null,"incident_updates":[{"id":"xxx","incident_id":"yyy","affected_components":null,"body":"testing components","created_at":"2021-07-19T17:42:26.077Z","custom_tweet":null,"deliver_notifications":true,"display_at":"2021-07-19T17:42:26.077Z","status":"investigating","tweet_id":null,"twitter_updated_at":null,"updated_at":"2021-07-19T17:42:26.077Z","wants_twitter_update":false}]

First Last July 20, 2021

hi Rahul, do you have an update for me? 

First Last July 21, 2021

Syntax of -d "incident[component_ids]=["xxx"]" is incorrect. When i used -d "incident[component_ids]=xxx" it worked. This ticket can be closed. 

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