Incident creation and template association

First Last July 23, 2021

When creating an incident, how do i associate it with a  template ? 

1 answer

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Talar Pavlovic
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2021

Hi there, 

To create a template:

  1. Click on Incidents from the left-hand panel 
  2. Click on Templates in the main part of the screen 
  3. Click on the blue, Create template button
  4. Fill in the template as per your requirements then save it 

You will then see your newly created template under the Templates menu

To use your template: 

  1. Go to the Incidents tab 
  2. Click on the blue Create incident button 
  3. Click on Apply template then choose the template you create 


For more information please take a look at our support documentation here: 



Saleh Abdelhalim November 22, 2021

Hi !

Do you know if it is possible to mention in the Body of an incident Template the component to which incident is applied to ? that would be helpful ! if this is already possible could you share Syntax ? thks ! 

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