I am currently setting up a Statuspage and would like to know how to customize the incident notifica

arizunia December 20, 2024



I have successfully created a Statuspage for my company and added various components for monitoring, but I need assistance in refining the notification settings. I want to ensure that when an incident occurs, relevant teams and customers receive automatic email updates. I’m also looking to understand how to adjust the notification frequency and the type of information included in the emails. Any help or resources on this would be greatly appreciated!

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Shashwat Khare
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 23, 2024

Hello @arizunia ,

This is Shashwat from Statuspage and here to help! :) 

For Incident communications, please create an Incident template that can be used for customized Incident Title and Body as explained in this help doc.

For all other sections related to Incident Management in Statuspage, please refer to this help doc section.

You can customize the email notifications for your page by following the steps in this help doc.

We also have a feature to customize the reminders for long-running Incidents in the Statuspage.

You can navigate to Incidents > Actual Incident (INC) > Long-running Incident reminders > Default/Customize the reminder interval, as explained in this help doc.

For any other technical queries related to Statuspage, please create a support ticket via this link and we'll be happy to assist further!


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