How to increase Notification/Subscriber limit for outage?

Logan Jacobson
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March 23, 2023

Hello! I am wondering if anyone knows how to increase the notification/subscriber limit for a Statuspage Outage? 

For example, if we had a outage it currently only allows 10K notifications to be sent out. 

Anyone know if this is a setting that can be adjusted to ensure customers receive a notification? 

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Atlassian Team
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March 27, 2023

Hey @Logan Jacobson

There is no such limitation on the notification, however, there is a limit on the number of subscribers you can have on your page. This count varies based on your Pricing Plan so you can adjust that by purchasing a pricing plan accordingly:

Feel free to reach out to our Support Team via: so we can assist you based on your current Pricing Plan and account details.

Best regards,

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