How to authenticate webhooks?

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August 5, 2021

The webhook documentation and API documentation do not mention how to authenticate a webhook sent to the configured URL. Is there a supported way to do this?

Typically I'd expect a signature to verify or a header with an API key but I don't see either in the requests.

I could hard code an API key into a query param on the configured URL but that seems less than ideal.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Caroline R
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 9, 2021

Hi, @ben_walford! Welcome to the community! 

If I understood your question correctly, you would like to authenticate the webhook destination servers, is that correct? If that’s the case, unfortunately, we currently don't have a way to do this as this feature is not available yet. We do have a feature request for this as you can see in the link below:

I've linked your question to this feature request. Please consider adding yourself as a watcher, so you get updated as we make progress with this. If you are not familiar with our Feature Request Policy, you can learn more about it here:

So, as a workaround, you can pass the credential using HTTPS by using: 


Please, feel free to share any additional questions regarding this subject.

Kind regards,

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