How do you suppress sending multiple notifications when you update scheduled maintenance.

Sherril Robbins
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November 11, 2024

When we move out the date for our scheduled maintenance, this triggers Statuspage to send an email to customers with the original date before sending the notification with the corrected date that starts with "Rescheduled:".  How do you suppress the original email?

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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 12, 2024

Hi Sherril,

This is Jesse from the Statuspage support team. Can you step me through what you do when you create and reschedule a maintenance? I'd be happy to try to recreate this because it sounds like it could be a bug. Also, when you say a notification goes out with the original date, does the new date email happen immediately after?


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