Export Activity Log

Deleted user January 17, 2020

Doing retrospectives on incidents - is there a way to export the activity log (or portions of it, for example, a specific date range) in Statuspage? 

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Jake Bartlett
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 27, 2020

We don't currently have any export features for incidents, but you can retrieve this data using the API.

For example, you could use the "Get a list of incidents" endpoint - https://developer.statuspage.io/#operation/getPagesPageIdIncidents - this will retrieve information about your incidents including creation dates and much more. 

1 vote
Maria Calamanan
January 20, 2020

I am actually curious about the same thing. Can the activity log be converted to a cvs or an excel spreadsheet that can be extracted by the requester? 

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