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Can a Statuspage system metric with custom Python data source be a graph with multiple plots?

Kingsley Ndiewo
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July 27, 2020

So generally sending data to a custom metric from Python is something like:

ts = int(time.time()) - (i * 5 * 60)
value = 10

params = {'data[timestamp]': ts, 'data[value]':value}

where from the example, value is an integer or numerical value. I can do this and get a graph with a single line plot.

I need to send data in the form:

ts = int(time.time()) - (i * 5 * 60)
value = {'a':10, 'b':20, 'c': 30}
params = {'data[timestamp]': ts, 'data[value]':value}

where value is a dictionary. The objective is to get 3 different lines in this case.

Obviously the code above gives a response of:

{"error":"data[value] is invalid"}

So how can I achieve this?

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Atlassian Team
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August 6, 2020

Hey Kingsley 

Metrics in their current form don't have a way of keeping multiple plots in a single metric. 

That being said, it's possible that it could be done using some custom CSS/HTML/JS to overlay a few metrics on a page, but that isn't something that I'd have experience with writing I'm afraid. 

Kingsley Ndiewo
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 6, 2020

Seems like a pretty useful thing to leave out. But thanks. I'll keep digging.

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