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Are Self-Provided Metrics Even An Option?

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June 15, 2021

I am trying create metrics in Statuspage and having a ton of difficulty! Are there scopes to API keys which could be impacting me?

Attempt 1: Added system metrics via GUI. Attempted to use Runscope's Statuspage integration. Fail. No data received in Status Page.

Attempt 2: Added system metrics via GUI. Attempted to use Statuspage's API to submit data. Could authenticate to endpoints such as Pages ( but could not access the metrics endpoint (/pages/{page_id}/metrics/{metric_id}/data) due to unauthorized access.

Attempt 3: Tried to add metrics via API. Realized I first needed to create a metric provider. The documentation says you can name "Self" as the metric provider. Statuspage API didn't agree. (see pics below)

Screen Shot 2021-06-15 at 7.01.15 PM.png

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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2021

Hello there,

Thanks for the question about adding your own system metrics.

I will try to address these for you as best as I can:

Attempt 1: I do not see Runscope showing up on the list of the providers we use for metrics. I would not be able to really go into details with Runscope. Is there any documentation there that might be useful?

Attempt 2: If you have access to the API key for your Statuspage, you should have access to add data to a metric. I just gave this a shot on my own page. I would double check that the API key you are using is valid. It's also important to make sure your authorization includes the "OAuth" part as well. This would be my preferred way to add the metrics using the scripts provided on the System metrics page.

Attempt 3: This is an interesting one. When I went to add Self (note the capital S), I was told that I already have the Self metric provider active. My guess is that if you create one Self instance of a metric, you no longer need to add Self. That being said, it looks like the error message needs an update. 

I would give your second attempt another try to see if you can get data. If you are able to provide more screenshots, I can try to assist further for you.

I hope you have a great day!



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