Any tips for integrating statuspage into salesforce?

Doug S July 7, 2020

We've got a salesforce community page built with lightening web components and having some difficulty getting the component to render properly.  I'm sure salesforce constraints aren't making this any easier - but guessing we're not the first to try to do this.

Any tips, hints, etc. very much appreciated.



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Dave Liao
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July 18, 2020

@Doug S - to clarify, are you trying to show Statuspage within Salesforce, or show Salesforce content within Statuspage?

  • You can include Statuspage statuses in other places (like a page, or a Community page) via embeds. (On that page is a link with configuration instructions).
  • If you want to include Salesforce content in your Statuspage, you can customize your Statuspage CSS/HTML (if you're on a plan that allows for this customization).

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