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Adding a Subscriber via API and skip the confirmation notification

Paun_ Cosmin January 31, 2024

Hi StatusPage Team,

We try to inser a subscriber to our StatusPage via the API when an Incident is being created, and we have a weird behaviour. When an Incident is being created then:

- the subscriber gets immediately the confirmation Email (although in the payload we have set "skip_confirmation_notification": true )

- and right after that the subscriber gets a second email with the unsubscribe notification.


What are we doing wrong?

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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 1, 2024

Hello there,

Thanks for reaching out to the community about how the skip confirmation email is not working. I did some investigating and it seems we currently have this off. The team should be creating a doc that talks more about why this change was made. For the second issue, I can't recreate this. Is this happening on every email or just select ones? If you have a paid account, I recommend reaching out to us at and we can dive deeper into the issue. Thanks for your time!


Roman Temekunidi April 9, 2024

Hi @Jesse Klein ,

Have you got any updates on this?

I'm having the same issue. When I set the "skip_confirmation_notification": true, the subscriber still gets the notification. 

Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 9, 2024

Hi Roman,

The team created this article that goes into more detail about the changes:

Hopefully, that helps!


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