How to resize columns in Jira board

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September 17, 2024

Hi Peggy, 

Me again! 

Is there any way to resize the columns on a Jira board so they fit to page? Would be great to not have them squished all to one side but I can't find how to change this. 

Is this possible in Jira atm?


Thanks for your help,


Jira columns.jpg

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Peggy Graham
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 18, 2024

Hi Bridget!

There isn't a way to make the columns wider, I am sorry.  I can see in your screenshot why you asked, there's a lot of leftover space.  I think this would make a great feature request!  You can submit a feature request through a support ticket, which can be opened here.

Some projects have a more complex workflow, like this: 



I think that's what they had in mind when creating the board but I can completely see the advantage of having wider columns when there are fewer states.

Thank you for asking! 


Tagging so you are notified of the answer: @VensoGrow 

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