OS: Mac OS Catalina Sourcetree Version: 4.0 (229) Here is the video of user interaction: Video This happens 100% times. Error Log snippets: &nb...
I want to add my new project and want to make it secure, so how can i add my project to repository
Hello everyone! I am relatively new to the world of GIT and have only a little experience with TFS (TFVC). I would like to realize a new project in TFS as GIT and use Sourcetree as interface. Is it ...
I can't not login in bitbucket. I tried to login Sourcetree. host: bitbucket Auth: OAuth Protocol: HTTPS error message Safari can not open ‘https://bitbucket.org/site/o...
When I go to create or clone a new repository I get the error "git -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.required=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks clone Pe...
Source tree version 3.2.6 (Windows) not able to authenticate with Bitbucket. While refreshing token it gives the following error. The button click does not open bitbcuket url instead open some local...
hello, I linked between push and commit comments that have to include jira issue number. so now no commit (actually push) is possible without adding an issue string (including number) to the commen...
Please Help Me As Soon As Possible. I Am getting this error on every next day. And I Have To Take Re-Clone My Project Every Time.
When we branch from main it ends up making the new branch at the same level as master which prevents merging back in when the time comes to bring it back. Does anyone know what setting to change so t...
Not sure if I am missing a setting or if this is a legitimate bug. Whenever I commit, it also commits my unstaged files/hunks. This is obviously very frustrating and has caused some code ...
I have version 3.3.4. Now pull from specific revision from another branch is not available in the "pull window". When are you plan to implement this functionality?
Hi, The document shows steps for SSH setup on Windows using puTTY. From where should I download this software utility? Thanks, Dhaval
I run a script on the windows command line that takes all my repos and submodules and runs a fetch the same way Source Tree does, but recursively. After that I open SourceTree and still there are ne...
Hi, Where can I find the file to delete it? I've been looking for the .git directory and haven't found it. I'm not a terminal user. Thanks!
I've created a branch in the Master Branch then created an HTML file which somehow got saved into the Master Branch and not the recently created new branch. Is there a way to move the HTML file out o...
Hi, when I install sourcetree the GIT addin is greyed out and I can't install or access it. I am on Windows v1809 and Sourcetree v3.2.6. I've tried reinstalling etc. Thanks,
Hello. I am fairly new to SourceTree and GitHub. At a point in my project I had to go back a couple steps to a working commit. I did a checkout on that commit and did my rework from there. Several co...
After clean installation of MacOS 10.14 Mojave and Sourcetree external diff isn't working. After some investigation it isn't working because of security settings - for some reason Sourcet...
...roblem, but I have no idea where it's coming from. At the end, the log shows an error message about merge tool. I don't understand what that means. Here is my .gitconfig file. [core] autocrlf = true [u...
I just setup a new computer with macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 I am running Sourcetree Version 4.0(232) When I click the Terminal button on the top right, it always opens the terminal in my home f...
Git のあるファイルの全履歴をダウンロード(ローカルの任意のフォルダに取得)するスクリプトの存在をご存知でしたら、その情報を教えて頂けないでしょうか。 または、そのスクリプトを作成するためのアイデアがあれば教えてください。 何卒、宜しくお願い致します。
I am currently using 3.2.6 which crashes during commuting. After that I re-install and fix the issue. I asked the engineer in my team and he said I should update to 3.3.4, which is what others are us...
In sourcetree we see � in place of umlauts characters. Even after setting default encoding to iso-8859-1 still the problem persist. Please find the screen shot.
Is there any way to clean up the list of Local repositories all at once? I must have 50 "moved or deleted" entries. And cleaning them up one by one is no joy. Also I can't see why I have thi...
I want to make my repository keep asking for password in my server but not in my one local PC. Can I let some PCs be asked for passwords over and over again?
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February 14, 2025 9:04 AM PST |