SSH Authentication Failed (SourceTree Windows) - Should I set SSH agent to PuTTY?

UTAN dev November 1, 2017

When fetching from a remote, I'm getting the "SSH Authentication Failed" window. ("The OpenSSH agent is running but the server still rejected your connection. […]")

  • I had created a new, 2048-bit key using PuttyGen and added the public key to the server.
  • I can confirm that it works in the Git terminal. The following logs me in without manual intervention:
eval $(ssh-agent)

ssh-add C:\\Users\\MYUSER\\.ssh\\dell-no-passphrase-openssh-2048-bits

  • SourceTree is using OpenSSH and System Git. (System Git 2.15.0/LibGit2Sharp 0.24.0 + git-lfs v2.3.4)
  • I did try Tools > Launch SSH Agent.
  • The SourceTree SSH Key option field contains:
C:\Users\MYUSER\.ssh\id_rsa;C:\Users\MYUSER\.ssh\dell-no-passphrase-openssh-2048-bits;D:\MYUSER\Documents\MYUSER-DELL (OpenSSH).ppk

I do see the difference in backslashes between SourceTree's setting and the terminal's add-ssh, but wouldn't one assume that SourceTree would deal with any issues when passing key filenames to its SSH agent? What's wrong here?

Or should I just tell SourceTree to use PuTTY? (I have Pageant running 24/7.) If so, why do other instructions recommend using OpenSSH instead of PuTTY?

Thanks for your help.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 6, 2017

Hi! Seems like there's a bug around that. There were a couple threads in Community where users proposed their solutions, you can find them at:

Let us know if that helps you! 

Best regards,


1 vote
edhubbell August 24, 2023

I also get this error when attempting to commit an Excel file to a repo while the file is open in Excel. It's repeatable. No clue why this is the error that comes up, but closed the workbook and the error went away.

edhubbell August 2, 2024

It'd be nice if y'all would fix this. I hate it when I google a problem to find that the answer was known a year ago. By me. 

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