Remote settings for bitbucket not being saved

Aaron Colflesh April 27, 2020

I've got a half dozen or so repos checked out from bitbucket, all were checked out with the remote settings turned on for them. After the last update, all of them reverted to generic in the remote settings. This would only be a nuisance, but every time I reopen sourcetree, it reverts to generic again, even on the ones I've fixed.

Besides resetting them manually, I've tried resetting a repo, immediately closing and reopening (I found that the repo tabs don't actually get preserved upon reboot if you let a reboot close sourcetree after cloning a repo locally, so I wondered if this worked the same)

Win10 pro, sourcetree 3.3.8, if there's anything else needed to troubleshoot I'd be happy to add it.

Annotation 2020-04-27 091906.png

1 answer

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Sergio Freitas May 8, 2020

It is happening to me too. And it seems this issue exists at least since November according to  this question: 1221282

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