How to install previous version of SorceTree? Wheere to get it?

mitov August 20, 2014

Ths latest version of SourceTree is extremely buggy and unstable.

The user interface is also very difficult to use in this version, and a lot of features that ware easily availablle in the previous version are now difficult to access.

How I can revert to a previous version of SourceTree? This version is nearly impossible to use.

4 answers

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amrichmond August 20, 2014
1 vote
amrichmond August 20, 2014

The nice thing was uninstalling the new, then installing the old - I didn't have to re-setup anything. It remembered everything.

1 vote
amrichmond August 20, 2014

Besides bugs and unstable I agree with "The user interface is also very difficult to use in this version, and a lot of features that ware easily availablle in the previous version are now difficult to access."

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August 20, 2014

It would be helpful to everyone if you would report any bugs you experience to

mitov August 20, 2014

I will try, but the SorceTree crahses when I do almost anything. Just trying to unstage with unclicking the check box for couple of files is enough to throw a bunch of GIT errors and then crash.

View's are also appearing/dissapearig by themselfs I mean it is hardly possible to even figure out how to report all that. The stability is virtually non existent :-( .

How I can get the old version? I need to use the tool :-(

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