Two instances with domain for SAML

Somair Feroz (52354)
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January 27, 2018


Our company (which has a JIRA instance) recently merged with another company that was having its own JIRA instance. Both the companies have also been moved to the same domain name. We are now both thinking of moving to SAML based security management using Identity Manager without needing to merge our instances. Is that a possibility?

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Atlassian Team
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August 15, 2018

Identity Manager/Atlassian Access is not limiting to one Cloud instance but it works across all Atlassian Application. Any Atlassian accounts associated with the verified domain would be affected.

Think this as one platform to manage users across all Atlassian Application.

That being said, the users need to exist in both instances if the users are required to access both instances. Atlassian Access/Identity Manager doesn't affect the application access.

So if you sign up for Atlassian Access, and decided not to merge the instance, you'll have the ability to control or manage the users with the verified domain but, application-wise, there wouldn't be any changes.

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