Setting up an Organization

April 29, 2019

My company, has 10 different Cloud instances of various products. All instances are managed separately and individual Cloud instances.

I want to setup a NEW cloud Organization and 3 NEW cloud instances of Jira\Conf\BitBucket to test integration. Eventually move projects from existing cloud instances to the new ones. 

If I want to setup a Cloud Organization for, will all the users of the current products be routed to my new organization as products and members under the admin console?

Or does an empty Cloud Organization get created and then I can create NEW Jira application instances for the new Org, and existing users in existing instances are not impacted?



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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 3, 2019

Hi Catherine,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!
For each instance, it's possible to create only one organization, so if you will be an admin for more than one, when you log in to you will see the list of organizations.
Once you verify a domain for an organization, users from that domain will show on "Managed accounts".

If I want to set up a Cloud Organization for, will all the users of the current products be routed to my new organization as products and members under the admin console?
- Yes, all users from the instance that has an email which the domain was verified will show on the Managed accounts page.


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