Restting user's password

David J September 27, 2012

We have most of our users on tied to our existing LDAP and some users from other division where we have just created users that are not tied to our LDAP.

I am running in to a problem when one of the user that is not tied to the LDAP is trying to reset his password.

He is getting the following message:

You (or someone else) has requested to reset your password.


This user account is managed in an external User Directory and JIRA is not able to update your password.

Please contact your System Administrator if you have any further queries.

Here are the details of your account:


Username: mboccia


Full Name: Michael Boccia


Is there a way I can reset this user's password for him.

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October 3, 2012

Hi David

To restore the user password, just run the following SQL commands against your database:

- Find the user and its directory

select, A.user_name, B.directory_name from cwd_user as A JOIN cwd_directory as B on = A.directory_id where user_name like '%<username>%'

If you have the same user account present in multiple directories, you probably have a Delegated LDAP Directory and the user was previously create in this directory. So, if you might to use just the Internal Directory to authenticate this user, go to JIRA UI and remove the existing user (before, just double check the user directory).

- To change the user password to sphere

update cwd_user set credential='uQieO/1CGMUIXXftw3ynrsaYLShI+GTcPS4LdUGWbIusFvHPfUzD7CZvms6yMMvA8I7FViHVEqr6Mj4pCLKAFQ==' where id = <ID from previous SQL command>;

For further detail, perhaps the following link could be useful:

Anyway, you may raise a support ticket at for further assistance.


Paulo Renato

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