Get Organization Group List using the REST-APIs for Atlassian Admin

Wasiq Bin Zahid
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November 29, 2023

Good evening, I am referencing these docs

Here there are endpoints to create groups, delete groups and add users to groups, however I am not able to find a way to view the groups that I have created previously, or get details regarding these groups How would I get information regarding these groups? I have tried searching but haven't found anything. Is this on purpose? If yes, what would be the reason behind something like this? Any help would be appreciated Thanks

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Lars Maehlmann
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April 10, 2024

Hello @Wasiq Bin Zahid 

I am not sure if you still need the information but you can find the documentation here:


Be aware it is not a GET. You have to do a POST Call. I use httpie and jq to generate a cvs list of all groups.

https -A bearer -a $TOKEN POST$ORG_ID/groups/search | jq '.data[] | [.id, .name ] | @csv ' > groupIDs.csv

I hope this helps.




September 8, 2024

Hi @Lars Maehlmann , I have a question on usage of this API please,

When I call this API with Postman, I can see the links\next property, I was expecting a link to call the next page but surprisingly it is returning some different characters - please refer the attached image: 


Not sure how to use this "next" in the query, I have tried to add as a query parameter "next=XXX" but it did not help. 

If possible, please help me here. 



Sylvain Gagnon
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September 8, 2024

You need to provide that value in the cursor value of the next request indicating the starting point of the list.


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