Domain Verification

Maksym Linnik
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December 3, 2024


Hello, everyone!
I am facing a problem while configuring SSO authorization between Azure Enterprise Application and Atlassiacn Cloud. I have implemented every step that was in the Microsoft documentation, but it seems to be a bit out of date as there is nothing about domain verification. I tried to figure out how to do it myself, and ran into the problem that after clicking on the “Link domains” button, there are no domains in the dropdown list at all. Can you please tell me how to add it there?
Thanks in advance!

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Charlie Misonne
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December 5, 2024

Hi Maksym and welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Domain verification is a prerequisite to manage users. The documentation is on Verify a domain to manage accounts 

You need to add a record in your DNS or add a file on your website to prove the domain is yours.


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