Creating a directory for Atlassian Access Cloud

Johan Eckerstrom - {Eficode}
May 6, 2019

I created a directory and forgot to copy the details , how can I remove the created directory and try again to obtain the ?

Directory base URL and API key


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 30, 2019

Hey Johan,

Atlassian Access uses a static file at atlassian-domain-verification.html for its domain verification. This just goes at the root level of the domain you're trying to verify - example:

Details on HTTPS verification (or alternatively, TXT record verification over DNS) are available on our domain verification document.

I'm not totally sure that's what you needed though given your more recent question about SSO with Bitbucket Cloud and Azure AD.

Let me know if you still have questions - always happy to help!

Daniel | Atlassian Support

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