Time Interval Format

Kyle McChesney
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November 21, 2024

I have a question about the time intervals in OpsGenie, in a general sense but also specific to notification policies. I have a notification policy that defines windows from 10:00am to 4:00pm on all weekdays. The delay action on the policy is set to delay the notification until the next 10:00am on a weekday. I wanted to confirm that the intervals in OpsGenie are treated as half open. In other words, if we get an alert at 10:00am on a weekday it will not get delayed until 10:00am on the next weekday.

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Nayan Pandey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 25, 2024

Hello Kyle, 

I am Nayan from the Opsgenie team, happy to help you. 

Any alerts that come in at 10 AM on a weekday would be delayed until 10 AM on the next weekday as per the current product design. In order to avoid this, you can set the start time to 9:59 AM so that any alerts coming in at 10 AM wouldn't be delayed. 

Please let me know if this helps. 



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