Template Creation

Laura Dark
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October 10, 2019

I'm new to Opsgenie. We are in the process of defining all of our Services (over 300).  Most of them have the same text except for Service name and description.  Is there a way to create 'Master' templates to be pulled in for any service? 


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 11, 2019

Hi Laura - We don't have an option like this to be able to have an incident template that you can use in different services, but within a single service, you can clone an incident template there. If you could reach out to support either through the blue chat bubble in the bottom righthand of your screen when logged into Opsgenie, or by creating a ticket at https://www.opsgenie.com/contact-us#/ (or email support@opsgenie.com), we can discuss your use-case in more detail to see if there is a workaround, or if this should be entered as a feature request! Thanks.

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