Source phone number for Opsgenie Alert

Vincenzo Marraro
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September 30, 2024

Hi, I am in an on-call rota and when some kind of incidents occur I get a voice call on my my phone. 


Is it possible to have a list of the phone numbers I may get a call from, so that I can add them to my phone contact list and not having to deal with unknown numbers ?

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Atlassian Team
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October 1, 2024

Hey Vincenzo, 
Thanks for reaching out to Atlassian Community! 

Yes, we do provide vCard with the numbers that we use and you can add them to your contacts. Please see the Download URL for the US region: 

For the EU region - 

Please make sure to actually download it, as the numbers that are stated on the page are not full. 

Best Regards,

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