Slack integration with multiple channels

Alex Korpusov
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July 16, 2024

In our setup each team has it's own channel for alerts. Sometime each team have multiple channels for different products. 

team1 - slack channel 1 - integration 1

team2 - slack channel 2a - integration 2

team2 - slack channel 2b - integration 3

team2 - slack channel 2c - integration 4


As of now we have to manually add Slack integration for each new slack channel, since the Slack integration does not support multiple channels. This is very inconvenient since each time we have to create a new integration manually. 

Is it possible (or can be made possible) to create one integration with a permission to send alerts to any Slack channel?


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Tejaswi G
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 17, 2024


Hi Alex,

This is Tejaswi from the Opsgenie Team and happy to help. 

Currently, we don't have such an option in the Slack integration of the Opsgenie.

I have created a feature request OPSGENIE-2223 for this request.

FR Link:


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