ServiceNow and OpsGenie. What do i need to replicate to trigger OpsGenie for ITasks?

Sam Naegle
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March 13, 2019

I have a request to have OpsGenie  trigger notification to on-call team members for ITASKS. I tired to Clone the Create Alert Business Rule and then change the Table to ITASK but of course it would never be that easy. My scripting skills are definitely novice at best so I was hoping someone has done this and might be able to share their code and a couple of screen shots of the Business Rule Config. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 2, 2019

Hey Sam, 


Thanks for the clarification!

Basically, Opsgenie <> ServiceNow integration is built for Incidents table in ServiceNow by default. Therefore, the script you have for Create Alert Business Rule is written for Incidents table - you can modify it for ITASK table; however, keep it on mind that Incident table has unique fields, values for itself. Therefore, you need to adjust these fields for ITASK table as well. 

Unfortunately, we haven't received such a customized script from customers previously. On the other hand, I would be happy to share if I receive anything like that. 


Wish you a great day, 

Best regards,

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 28, 2019

Hey Sam, 


Thank you for contacting Opsgenie!

I might have misunderstood your question, but please correct me if I'm wrong. What does ITASKS stand for? Is it Category, State, or Domain? If you can elaborate this I might be able to provide better solution on your question! 

According to my understanding, you would like to trigger an alert when for example "Category equals ITASK", or "State equals to ITASK", right?

For this one, you can simply add another filter to your Create Alert rule, under ServiceNow integration settings. Therefore, when incoming data matches with your Create Alert rule, alert will be created and forwarded to your team defined under your integration settings. 



Please let me know if this is not what you've been looking for, we would be happy to help you!


Best regards,

Sam Naegle
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 28, 2019

ITASKs are actually created under an Incident and used to assign work to other teams while under the same incident. The have their own table in ServiceNow like Incidents. This allows you to send multiple teams action items under the same Incident. So if an outage was going on and you had tasks for multiple teams you can create an ITASK for each team.  

So I need to basically get the Business Rule Opsgenie Create Alert to fire off of the ITASK table.



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