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See payload from an existing alert

Emil Varona December 7, 2022

I'm working on getting an integration with CloudWatch working. I see a previous alert that was fired off but it's a few months old and I don't have the log entries for this alert. 

Is there any way to use the API to see the payload of an existing alert that is NOT in the logs anymore? I need to figure out how to may priority and entity in my integration config and I'm hoping the previous payload will help me. Thanks.

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Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 8, 2022

Hi @Emil Varona ,

I believe the Logs API can export logs throughout the lifetime of the Opsgenie, but note - this feature Is only included with Enterprise plans.

Otherwise, there would be no workaround. You'd probably want to trigger some new alerts, and review the payload of those - or review the payload of any alerts created over the past 13 days.

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