Schedule a Report With Alert Details

Eric Sletten July 11, 2019

Am I missing it, or is there a way to schedule a report with the alert details?  If I go to "Alert Analytics" and run a report for a specific period of time for a specific integration or team.  Then if I click on "Alerts per Status" or almost any other graph or chart on that page, I get the option to "Show Alerts" or "Show Alerts Detailed".  I know I can schedule that report in different formats, including "as .CSVs" but all it is, is a list of the number of alerts broken down in different ways.  I can't seem to find a place where I can schedule a report of the alert details.

We would like to be able to schedule this on a routine basis and sent to application owners for some applications as a safety net to make sure the alerts generated aren't sent to OpsGenie, auto closed, and then forgotten about, never to be seen. 

Also some management is feeling a little "lost" without folders full of alert emails to "see what's going on" .  I'm not missing them at all :) but it will probably take some time to break the old habits for them and for them to be confident in the system.  A detailed report of  alerts over the past day (for example) should eliminate the alert email overload and still allow these people to easily access a list of alerts if they desire.

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Brennan Kiely
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 12, 2019

Hi Eric,

Thanks for reaching out about this! Unfortunately, there isn't an option to schedule the alert details in an email right now, but we do have an open feature request with our dev team to add this feature to the platform. In the meantime, the best bet would be to setup something to pull alerts from our API periodically to get this data passively.


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