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Report MTTA and MTTR only in comercial time

Vinicius Barbosa September 5, 2024

It´s possibly create a report or query from API where MTTA and MTTR of alerts is calculate only in comercial time.

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Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
Community Leader
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September 17, 2024

Sorry for the delayed response, @Vinicius Barbosa 😕

As far as I and at least one other community leader can tell, it is not possible to calculate MTTA/MTTR in Opsgenie/JSM using anything other than a 24-hour clock (through the UI or APIs).

I suspect this is because MTTA/MTTR is viewed this way by our/your customers. Plus, this is the accepted definition(s) for MTTA/MTTR.

That said, I am escalating this to Atlassian so someone from the JSM/Opsgenie team can weigh in.




Rafael Meira
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 18, 2024

Hey @Vinicius Barbosa the answer above is correct, there isn't a way to calculate only comercial time.

Here is a Feature Request you can follow and vote 



Thanks @Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_ 

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