Provide Slack channel when creating alert

Alexey Tolkachiov
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December 6, 2024

We are using Opsgenie for Alert Management slack app.
We have multiple Slack channels and routing rules configured by admin. 

However, some type of alerts should be forwarded into specific Slack channels which are created dymanically and are not configured in OpsGenie. 
How is it possible to achieve that? 

It looks like there are no options for this in Alerts API.
Maybe it is possible to implement with webhooks?  

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Shashwat Khare
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 9, 2024

Hello @Alexey Tolkachiov ,

This is Shashwat from Opsgenie and here to help! :) 

Please note that you can create multiple Slack channels for respective use cases and then create separate Slack integrations in Opsgenie, for the notification criteria to be configured under the Alert Filter section on the Slack integration level, as explained in this help document.

Yes, we do have the Webhook integration available in Opsgenie explained in the below help doc:

Unfortunately, there's no direct endpoint to use on which Slack channel to use when posting the create alert notification, however, you may consider using the Slack API to listen to these webhook events and create the dynamic Slack channel notification.


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