Opsgenie python sdk integration with AWS Lambda failed to create alert

Ahmad Al-Sajid June 22, 2021

Hello everyone,

I am trying to create alerts from AWS Lambda using python SDK. When I execute the script from my PC or AWS EC2, it works fine and takes ~10 seconds (business logic + fetching data from others resources) to create all the alerts in Opsgenie. Now, when I try to execute it from AWS Lambda, the `create_alert` API times out.  Below is the code that works in EC2 scripts but not in AWS Lambda.

body = CreateAlertPayload(
'name': 'My Team',
'type': 'team'
create_response = alert_api.create_alert(create_alert_payload=body)
print(f'offline device: {device}, request: {create_response.request_id}')
except ApiException as err:
print(f"Exception when calling AlertApi->create_alert: {err}\n")

 Is there something that I missed? 

3 answers

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Atlassian Team
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June 24, 2021

Hi @Ahmad Al-Sajid ,


This seems to be more of a lambda specific issue. The one thing I can think of, is you need to have installed the opsgenie-sdk. So you will need to install the opsgenie-sdk locally (i.e. pip install opsgenie-sdk), and upload that to the lambda function dependencies so that the lambda function can use the SDK.


If you've done that already, are any of the opsgenie-sdk commands working from python? 




0 votes
Reham Adel November 29, 2021

Hi @Ahmad Al-Sajid 

could you please tell how did you solve this problem ?

Ahmad Al-Sajid November 29, 2021

Hi @Reham Adel, we had to turn off SSL verification to make it work then. Still, it is not recommended. 

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Reham Adel November 29, 2021

How did you turn off SSL verification?

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Reham Adel November 30, 2021

thank you for your support 

Reham Adel December 5, 2021

Hi @Ahmad Al-Sajid
i try to run code to create alarm in aws lambda but i get that error 

"errorMessage": "You are not authorized to perform this action: (401)\nReason: Unauthorized: apiKey is invalid or integration is disabled\nHTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '98', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Date': 'Sun, 05 Dec 2021 21:11:20 GMT', 'X-Request-Id': 'b67d7a41-5be4-4eb3-b869-945e1330a85e', 'X-Response-Time': '0.0', 'Og-Apigw-Request-Id': 'fa4076ab-2eef-4c40-8ea9-88b7240ec1ac', 'X-Envoy-Upstream-Service-Time': '129', 'Expect-Ct': 'report-uri=\"https://web-security-reports.services.atlassian.com/expect-ct-report/opsgenie-edge-proxy\", max-age=86400', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; preload', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Xss-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'Atl-Traceid': 'a7cbcab36b582704', 'Report-To': '{\"group\": \"endpoint-1\", \"max_age\": 600, \"endpoints\": [{\"url\": \"https://dj9s4kmieytgz.cloudfront.net\"}], \"include_subdomains\": true}', 'Nel': '{\"report_to\": \"endpoint-1\", \"max_age\": 600, \"include_subdomains\": true, \"failure_fraction\": 0.001}', 'Server': 'globaledge-envoy', 'X-Cache': 'Error from cloudfront', 'Via': '1.1 591fc133cda27edbedf7edb3f0231464.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)', 'X-Amz-Cf-Pop': 'LHR61-C1', 'X-Amz-Cf-Id': '2s6GACkFGfI4DZHtQNXxTL_VAz3o4mjnXhJzji4RUL9LuORAIsO6AA=='})\nHTTP response body: {\"message\": \"Could not authenticate\", \"took\": 0.0, \"requestId\": \"b67d7a41-5be4-4eb3-b869-945e1330a85e\", \"url\": \"https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts\"}\n",

the part of authorization in the code

configuration = opsgenie_sdk.Configuration()
# Configure API key authorization: GenieKey
#configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'xxxxx'
configuration.username = 'xxxxx'
configuration.password = 'xxxxx'
configuration.verify_ssl = 'False'
conf = opsgenie_sdk.configuration.Configuration()
api_instance = opsgenie_sdk.AccountApi(opsgenie_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
api_client = opsgenie_sdk.api_client.ApiClient(configuration=conf)
alert_api = opsgenie_sdk.AlertApi(api_client=api_client) 

could you help me please?

Reham Adel December 5, 2021


0 votes
Ahmad Al-Sajid June 24, 2021

Hi @Samir,
Thanks for your feedback. Strange thing is, it sometimes can connect to Opsgenie and create tickets, but, most of the times failing to connect and exits with the following error 


[ERROR] RetryError: RetryError[<Future at 0x7fc1a71bf610 state=finished raised NewConnectionError>]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/task/lambda_function.py", line 108, in lambda_handler
    create_response = alert_api.create_alert(create_alert_payload=body)
  File "/opt/python/opsgenie_sdk/api/alert/__init__.py", line 1136, in create_alert
    (data) = self.create_alert_with_http_info(create_alert_payload, **kwargs) # noqa: E501
  File "/opt/python/opsgenie_sdk/api/alert/__init__.py", line 1197, in create_alert_with_http_info
    return self.api_client.call_api(
  File "/opt/python/opsgenie_sdk/api_client.py", line 423, in call_api
    return self.__call_api(resource_path, method,
  File "/opt/python/opsgenie_sdk/api_client.py", line 218, in __call_api
    raise exception
  File "/opt/python/opsgenie_sdk/api_client.py", line 196, in __call_api
    response_data = self.retrying(fn=self.request, method=method, url=url,
  File "/opt/python/tenacity/__init__.py", line 430, in __call__
    do = self.iter(retry_state=retry_state)
  File "/opt/python/tenacity/__init__.py", line 379, in iter
    six.raise_from(retry_exc, fut.exception())
  File "<string>", line 3, in raise_from 

As it can connect to Opsgenie sometimes, I don't think it's an issue with the Lambda or the package installed in lambda. BTW, I'm using opsgenie-sdk==2.1.4


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