Opsgenie Best Practices Wednesday - Notification Rules

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2019

Hi there, I’m Samir a Technical Support Engineer for Opsgenie. Just wanted to take a minute to welcome you to our Community Collection and share a tip for “Best Practices Wednesday,” each Wednesday a member of our team will share a best practice, tip, or trick with you. Here’s the first one!


It might seem obvious but a common mistake people make when setting up Notification Rules, is not taking the time to specify the priority of the alert you want to be notified about.


For example, see the rules in the screenshot below:


According to these Notification Rules, each time any new alert comes through, including low priority P5 informational alerts will notify the responder, Kate each time first through mobile push, then sms, and finally via email. This will cause alert fatigue very quickly, and it just isn’t necessary to be notified for every.single.alert.

In the below example, the notification rules are set up according to the priority of the new alert, now, the notifications make sense according to the severity of the alert.


Setting up the notifications this way, reduces alert fatigue and empowers the responder, Kate to react appropriately according the alert priority. This way, she’s only notified intensely for P1 and P2 alerts, is saved from having to sift through a bunch of new alerts trying to determine what’s important. Hope this tip is helpful to you!


Feel free to respond letting me know what you’re strategies are when you set up your own notification rules!

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