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OpsGenie Webhook Integration with V2 API

Joanne Oliveira August 17, 2022

Hey folks,

I am migrating New Relic Notification Channels to Workflows and I have a webhook payload for OpsGenie V2 API KEY integration. 

Most of the values are coming through but the hard-coded one is not. I put it in bold. 

In OpsGenie, I wanted this value to be in the Entity Field. How can I do that? How should I put it? I've been wrapping up my head around this, please help :( 

"issue_id": {{ json issueId }},
"message": {{ json annotations.title.[0] }},
"details": {
"self_url": {{ json issuePageUrl }},
"state": {{ json state }},
"is_correlated": {{ json isCorrelated }},
"created_at": {{ createdAt }},
"updated_at": {{ updatedAt }},
"activated_on": {{ activatedAt }},
"closed_at": {{#if issueClosedAtUtc}} {{ json issueClosedAtUtc }} {{else}}"None"{{/if}}
"incident_ids": "{{#each incidentIds}}{{this}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}",
"priority": {{#contains "P1" accumulations.policyName.[0]}} "P1" {{else}} {{#contains "P3" accumulations.policyName.[0]}} "P3" {{else}} "P5"{{/contains}} {{/contains}},
"customPriority": {{#contains "P1" accumulations.policyName.[0]}} "P1" {{else}} {{#contains "P3" accumulations.policyName.[0]}} "P3" {{else}} "P5"{{/contains}} {{/contains}},
"owner": "NewRelic",
"impactedEntities": {{json entitiesData.names}},
"totalIncidents": {{json totalIncidents}},
"state": {{ json state }},
"trigger": {{ json triggerEvent }},
"isCorrelated": {{ json isCorrelated }},
"createdAt": {{ createdAt }},
"updatedAt": {{ updatedAt }},
"sources": {{ json accumulations.source }},
"alertPolicyNames": {{ json accumulations.policyName }},
"alertConditionNames": {{ json accumulations.conditionName }},
"workflowName": {{ json workflowName }}

1 answer

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 17, 2022

Hi @Joanne Oliveira ,

Do you know whether or not that field is in fact parsing in the payload? You should be able to check the Logs tab for either the Processed incomingData or Received integration request logs.


If it is found in either of those logs, then you should be able to use some form of string processing or regex to extract it into the alert. Maybe even something like this might work:




You could also try extracting the entire {{_payload}} of the alert into the description field to see if it's found, then use a JSON formatter to help determine exactly what you might need to extract it.


Since it's not a field offered by default within the New Relic integration, it would need to be extracted with some form mentioned above.

Joanne Oliveira August 18, 2022

This one worked!

Thank you! 

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