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Opgenie Admin role - notifications

Deleted user March 15, 2021

Hi, we've setup users in Opsgenie based on the out-of-the-box "admin" role in order to do their jobs (rather then create a custom role assuming Atlassian will enhance the integration with Atlassian Access soon).

My question is that users are now receiving " XXXXX's opsgenie account has been deactivated" when a user leaves.  I'm unable to locate where I can control that notification setting.

Does anyone know how that's controlled; or am I correct in assuming, I need to create a custom role and migrate all the users to it in order to mitigate this (and potentially other) communications?

I've looked through this doc and didn't find any references:

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Mark Campbell-Vincent
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 15, 2021

Hi @[deleted] -

You're correct in saying using custom admin roles will mitigate the "deactivated/revoked user"  communications. This is currently the only way to stop the emails from being sent to admins. 

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