OPSGenie and Elasticsearch alerting

Alfredo De Luca
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February 16, 2021

Hi all. 

I have elasticsearch alerting and it works fine but I can't add OPSGenie webhook as it doesn't work at moment. 

Any other idea to connect them both? 

I am using elastic watcher but it's a bit of a pain and not easy to use.




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Jürgen Kaiser
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February 26, 2021



Elastic offers you to perform some action when your, let's say, uptime alert recovers and you could configure Elastic to send something to the alert-close endpoint (https://docs.opsgenie.com/docs/alert-api#close-alert). HOWEVER, the endpoint wants an identifier as part of the url which you can not dynamically add in elastic. You could add it easily in the payload, though, but this does not help.

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Matthias Bach
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February 26, 2021

Another option is to utilise the webhook adapter in Elastic to call the Alert creation API from an Alert action. However, if you also want Elastic to close your alerts that means you'll have to set it to resend the alert on each interval and utilise an Auto-Close policy on the Opsgenie side. So overall that is more of a hack than a solution.

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