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OEC on Local Server Queue processor could not get initial token and will terminate

Oleksandr K_ February 2, 2022

When starting process it immediately fails Out.log has

INFO[2022-02-02T20:16:57.9148359+01:00] OEC version is 1.1.3 
INFO[2022-02-02T20:16:57.915836+01:00] OEC commit version is b1628543cb8f2a58b6300a660bfb6a72ae79a83a
INFO[2022-02-02T20:16:57.9168361+01:00] Queue processor is starting.
INFO[2022-02-02T20:16:57.9168361+01:00] OEC-metrics serves in http://localhost:9120/metrics.
ERROR[2022-02-02T20:17:02.0422486+01:00] Queue processor could not get initial token and will terminate.
FATAL[2022-02-02T20:17:02.0422486+01:00] Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 2, 2022

Hi @Oleksandr K_ ,


This is usually an issue with the API Key you put into the config.json file for OEC. This apiKey is what allows the OEC service to sync up with the queue. This apiKey should be the api key from the integration you are using with OEC. So if you're using OEC to integrate with Jira for example, you would paste the apiKey from your Jira integration into the apiKey field of the config.json file for OEC, and make sure "send via OEC" is checked off on your Jira integration.


2022-02-02_15-27-17.png Hope that helps!




Oleksandr K_ February 2, 2022 edited

Thx Samir,

but I want to use OEC directly with Opsgenie, and apiKey copied from newly created channel configuration.

What i can mention additionally that i have configured as environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy. Maybe I need some other parameter to add?

Oleksandr K_ February 5, 2022

so issue was in certificate, when i downloaded it from personal laptop and exported with whole chain, and then imported in trusted roor store, everything started to work

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