Notifications coming to an email group

Igoris Andrijanovas
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October 16, 2024

Hi, I want to find a rule for that sends notifications about changes made to alert (Note added, alert closed, etc) to email group. On paper this task sounds easy, but it proved to be greater challenge than expected. When I go to notifications and check each alert update type - only my email is present. Maybe someone had a similar issue and found a solution?

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Chris DeGidio
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 17, 2024

Hi Igoris,

Opsgenie notifies responders. Each responder has their set notification methods with up to two email addresses added. You can send an email regarding alert updates to responders that are listed in the alert. You can either add the email group/distro list to an existing users notification profile and ensure they are included on every alert like an alert policy OR add that email as a new Opsgenie user and ensure they are listed as a responder during alert creation, you can do that either with a alert policy or in the integration settings that is creating the alert. 

You can read more about creating that global policy here: You can apply filter conditions to add the new responder you create with the email to specific alerts if you would like OR just leave it to match all so the responder is added to all alerts. At that point the responder would receive the alert update emails specified in the user notification rule profile. 

- Chris 

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