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Notification when webhook fails

Moses Moore October 3, 2023

Over the weekend, some teammates were annoyed that something failed in production but they didn't receive notice (before a user told them).  The alerts did land on OpsGenie, but didn't go further.  Checking the activity log I found this system message:

Could not send [Create] action to Mattermost [If severity > P3]. Reason: 403 Forbidden: "{"id":"web.incoming_webhook.permissions.app_error","message":"Inappropriate channel permissions.","detailed_error":"","request_id":"[redacted]","status_code":403}"

I'd really rather not examine by hand every single alert every hour of the day to make certain they successfully used their webhooks.  How can I get notification that a webhook failed?  Even an report I can fetch from the OpsGenie website for a list of failed notifications with what/how/who would be somewhat adequate.

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John M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2023

Hi @Moses Moore ,

At the moment, the only way to get notification based on logged event triggers would be to use a Splunk integration:

We do have a logs API but I don't think it's going to provide what you're looking for. 

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